About Virtua Tennis:
In Virtua Tennis Using shot buttons and power-gauges, players determine court position, ball direction, and power (or finesse) while controlling types of shots (flat or kick) during volleys and serves. Options include rushing the net, playing the baseline, playing drop shots, aiming shots, and competing in singles or doubles matches. Arcade mode (one to four players) offers a "win and advance" style against computer-controlled opponents consisting of five-stage matches, while World Circuit provides a tournament setting where players train and shop for tennis wear around the world.Customizable settings include the number of games required to win a match, the strength of computer-controlled opponents (easy, normal, hard, or very hard), play with or without deuces, and computer partner strength in doubles (normal, strong, or very strong). Gameplay in World Circuit mode requires equal attention to training and trial matches, in preparation for tournament action. A world map allows players to select various tournaments throughout the world where they earn money to purchase new tennis equipment (racket strings, clothes, recovery drinks). Eight unique training sessions increase in difficulty as new techniques are learned: cannon ball, smash box, drum shooter, pin crasher, bull's eye, return ace, big wall, and giant ball.
Virtua Tennis Features:
- Seven international tennis stars including Jim Courier
- Four gameplay modes: Arcade, Exhibition, World Circuit, and multiplayer (on LAN or same machine)
- Trial matches, training, and tournaments on hard, clay, or grass courts
- Purchase virtual clothes, equipment, and energy drinks with money earned during tournament competition
Virtua Tennis MINIMUM Requirements:
Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XPPentium II 450MHz, Athlon/Duron 500MHz, or Celeron 600Mz Processor
310MB Hard Disk Space
200MB Swap Memory Space
8X CD-ROM Drive
DirectX 8.1
16MB Direct3D Accelerated Video Card
DirectX-compatible Sound Card
Virtua Tennis RECOMMENDED Requirements:
Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XPPentium III 800MHz Processor
24X CD-ROM Drive
32MB Direct3D Accelerated Video Card
Size : 45 MB

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