About Fantastic 4 Highly Compressed PC Game Free Download:
Based on the Tim Story-directed 2005 film, this interactive edition of Fantastic 4 has players taking the control of each cosmic-ray enhanced member of the superhero team: Mr. Fantastic, who can stretch and reshape his body; The Invisible Woman, who can vanish at will and create powerful force fields; The Human Torch, who can fly through the air and control fire; and The Thing, a hulking humanoid with superhuman strength and thick, protective skin. Game characters are designed after their cinematic counterparts, and the plot is based on the story of the film. Missions are designed to test the limits of the heroes' powers, encouraging players to use the four together, as a team. The adventure leads to an ultimate showdown with Marvel uber-villain, Doctor Doom.
Fantastic 4 Features:
- Play as Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, or Thing
- Join a friend in two-player cooperative story mode or battle each other head-to-head
- Fight Doctor Doom in locations taken from the movie as well as all-new missions and environments
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Pentium III or Athlon 800MHz Processor
3500MB Hard Disk Space
DirectX 9.0c
32MB nVidia GeForce or ATi Radeon 7200 Class Video Card
DirectX compatible 16-bit Sound Card
4X CD-ROM Drive
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