Prime World Defenders is a lot of fun and one of the best tower defense games on the market. Its problems lie more in the lack of refinements on some great ideas.With a long campaign, randomly generated side missions and many cards to collect, Prime World Defenders offers fans of the Tower Defence genre a lasting and varied challenge, with new elements being added throughout.
Prime World: Defenders has some good ideas, but the execution of its core mechanics lacks of dedication. If you are a fan of tower defense genre, you can get some fun, but beware: grinding between missions is required and can be a boring chore.If you are looking for a refreshing tower defence title, then there is something in Prime World: Defenders you will enjoy. People who are more fussy with their choice of tower defence games might find this to be an ambitious title with problems.Some things must not be mixed under any circumstances, like vodka and soda or pickled herrings and milk. This rule holds true for CCGs and tower defense. Get ready to waste hours of your time playing through the same-looking levels, so you can get a slightly more powerful card.Prime World: Defenders had an exceptionally low bar to clear to get me on board, but the staid design and brutal grind managed to miss even that simple goal. Because the power differential between basic and improved cards is so great, the difficulty ticks over from impossible to trivial out of nowhere. Neither extreme is much fun, and unfortunately neither is Prime World: Defenders.I wanted to like Prime World: Defenders as it really had me going for the first few levels. I had a couple of close calls where my HP almost went down but I managed to keep it perfect with well placed towers. This exciting back and forth between me and the enemies rarely showed its head again during the rest of my playthrough.

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