About The Hulk PC Game:
The Hulk PC Game One of Marvel®’s most powerful Super Heroes® unleashes epic destruction this June in Marvel Studios’ blockbuster movie, The Incredible Hulk. Along with the film, SEGA® releases an intensely realistic third-person action video game available on all major video-game platforms.Fueled with fury, SEGA’s The Incredible Hulk features key moments from the film, as well as additional plotlines and characters from the character’s rich comic-book universe. Players smash through New York City, battling gigantic enemies amidst soaring skyscrapers in a massive open world.
As one of the most anticipated entertainment events of 2008, The Incredible Hulk will have fans lining up this summer on both the big and small screens.
* Unlimited Destruction: Become the Incredible Hulk and experience unlimited destruction. Players can demolish anything in their path and also use it as a weapon – pieces of a crumbling building…a passing car…a light standard. They can even demolish buildings with their bare hands. Damage is persistent, and gamers can use it to gain access to previously unreachable areas.
* Powerful Rage: Rage is power. Build the Hulk’s rage to learn powerful moves. Cause unheard-of damage to gain and upgrade his abilities.
* Incredible Scale: New York City’s towering skyscrapers allow for exciting vertically based gameplay, while powerful, massive enemies such as Bi-Beast and the Abomination challenge the Hulk’s might.
* Dynamic Open World: A realistic next-gen, open-world representation of Manhattan provides gamers with an immense playground of destruction that also contains sub-quests, minigames, and a story that reaches beyond the film to include elements from classic Marvel comics.
The Hulk PC Game Requirements:
Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Processor: Pentium IV 2,0 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Vídeo card: 128 MB NVIDIA GeForce 5200, ATI Radeon 9200
Sound: compatible on DirectX 9.C
Hardisk: 2,2 GB
DirectX 9.0c
Size : 161.83 MB