The Typing of The Dead Free Download Download
The Typing of the Dead certainly looks dated, but it’s also surprisingly fun.
The Typing of the Dead is an offbeat first person puzzle action pc game helpful, useful to the PC that lets ye fight hordes of gruesome zombies by quickly typing out words that appear onscreen. This unusual pc game actually has a history: It originally debuted at Sega’s Dreamcast console in 2000 then, also, and was itself a modified version of Sega’s previously released light-gun arcade game, The House of the Dead 2. The Typing of the Dead certainly looks dated, considering its age then, also, and the number of times it’s been ported onto various platforms, but it’s also surprisingly fun.
What other pc game lets ye type zombies to death?
The Typing of the Dead’s “story,” such as it is, concerns a mad scientist’s try to create an army of zombies, led by a superzombie “emperor,” to rule the world. Only thee character a special agent armed with a Dreamcast console then, also, and keyboard can stop him. That’s each ye need to notice about The Typing of the Dead’s story, since once ye start playing, you’ll be too busy frantically typing away at zombies to care about aught else. Every time an enemy appears onscreen, it’s accompanied by a word or phrase that ye should type in quickly then, also, and accurately to beat it. This might not sound too interesting, but property can get very exciting when three or four angry zombies each bearing a long, challenging phrase suddenly leap out at ye from each sides.
As with most light-gun games, The Typing of the Dead is played “on rails”–that is, ye can’t actually move thee character or choose where to go next; the pc game determines that. However, depending at how quickly ye beat thee enemies, ye may be able to rescue innocent bystanders, uncover bonus items, then, also, and choose alternate paths through a level, though you’ll always finish each level by fighting a powerful boss monster. These boss monsters shall actually challenge ye in a few interesting ways. For instance, one shall force ye to figure out then, also, and type in the put exact answer to a simple question, while another shall come barreling at ye with a giant chainsaw then, also, and shall strike ye let ye can’t type out a full sentence in time.
You can play through the game’s six stages either in arcade mode or in an alternate, original mode, which lets ye unlock a few handy options, like starting latest games with extra lives or with more “continues.” The pc game also features several other modes that let ye square off against each of the boss monsters or sharpen thee skills by testing thee typing speed then, also, and accuracy, then, also, and ye can unlock latest modes as ye fill in, finish each test.
The Typing of the Dead uses pretty much each the same monsters then, also, and levels from The House of the Dead 2, then, also, and unfortunately, it shows. The same graphics, environments, then, also, and special effects that may have seemed like the say, tell us, write down of the art helpful, useful to an arcade pc game a few years ago now look flat, blocky, then, also, and pixelated by today’s standards. The Typing of the Dead runs at a fixed (and unimpressive) resolution of 640×480, which doesn’t do much to keep many of the game’s textures from looking blurry. And, in keeping with its horror theme, the pc game isn’t especially colorful: Most of the levels you’ll fight through are drab, broken-down buildings then, also, and sewers. However, the pc game itself runs briskly, even at low-end to mid-range machines, with absolutely no slowdown, then, also, and the zombies (and the heroes who fight them) are animated well then, also, and look about as superb as they can, considering how blocky the game’s 3D models sometimes seem.
Hardware: Pentium III 733 MHz
Ram memory 128 MB
File size: 99 MB
Graphic memory: 16 MB
Operating system: Windows 98, XP, 2000, ME, Vista, 7 then, also, and Windows 8
Password= www.muhammadniaz.net
Download The Typing of The Dead Free Download