About Postal 2: Share the Pain:
Postal 2: Share the Pain upgrades the action with the use of Epic's Unreal warfare engine, and features actor Gary Coleman in a special guest role. Players have the option of trying to navigate the game's many violent scenes peacefully or blazing their way through the daily errands required of the Postal Dude with an arsenal consisting of shovels, batons, stun guns, gasoline, pistols, shotguns, machine guns, grenades, Molotov cocktails, scissors, rifles, rocket launchers, napalm, and more.Postal 2: Share the Pain Requirements:
Windows 98/ME/2000/XPPentium III or Athlon 733MHz Processor
1.5GB Hard Disk Space
32MB GeForce2 or Radeon Class Video Card
DirectX compatible Sound Card
DirectX 8.1
8X CD-ROM Drive
Size: 478 MB

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