About Need for Speed: High Stakes:
Need for Speed: High Stakes includes visible car damage that affects how your vehicle performs during a race. Hot Pursuit mode picks up where 1998's game left off, only this time you can play as the police and chase a series of speed-violators within a time limit. For every lawbreaker you nab, more seconds will be added to the clock. Special Events is a series of eight races, while Test Drive is a practice run to familiarize yourself with each available course.
Need For High Stakes mode lets you prove your driving prowess against a second player with your car on the line. The catch? Drivers who lose the race will automatically have their car erased and added to their opponent's roster.
Need for Speed: High Stakes REQUIREMENTS:
Minimum CPU Type: Pentium
Minimum CPU Speed: 166 MHz
Minimum RAM Required: 32 MB
Minimum Hard Disk Space: 50 MB
Graphics Type: SVGA
Graphics Resolution: Multiple Resolutions
Color Depth: High Color
Size : 169 MB

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